After 2 days, I have my SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP Developer Edition 7.52 SP04 on Ubuntu Oracle Virtual box. Don't get scared, it is really easy. But took 2 days of mine.
I have tried to install it on Ubuntu a few times, all failed, then on openSuse those failed too. That is because I am just too lazy to read comments on blog posts. Also I need to give credit to blog authors, that is because
none of them tell you,
"It will fail"
at first time because of sybase licence
:D. Yeah, that is just part of installation.
So, I have decided to share pitfalls and exact steps with you to install without getting mad. Stay sane and follow steps below! Don't be lazy, read them all first. Pay attention to 25 and 26.
¿Hay alguna forma de ignorar los ceros iniciales en una declaración SQL-Select?
Por ejemplo
SELECT txt50 FROM skat INTO @DATA(output)
WHERE saknr = '552100'
AND spras = @sy-langu
¿Has estado probando la funcionalidad de tarjetas de pago y alguna vez has pensado en conseguir más datos de prueba (números de tarjetas de crédito válidos) para expandir tus horizontes...
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Por lo tanto...
Hello Readers,
We use substitutions for various requirements quite frequently in SAP and face lots of issues while using them.
The objective of this document is to sh...