SAP Leonardo IoT Edge Services.

Discusión sobre los servicios de borde de IoT de SAP Leonardo y su impacto en la transformación digital de las empresas

Caminando hacia el éxito
0 Votos 0 Respuestas 9 Vistas

Revolutionizing Industries with Intelligent and Autonomous Things: A SAP Portfolio Overview

The Introduction in the 6 Digital Tech Trends. Read the Blog Series Introduction Intelligent autonomous things (AuT) will benefit from Artificial Intelligence (AI) and new network technologies. Autonomous things can act in the form of a human-machine hybrid combination or completely alone as a machine. The combination of several intelligent and autonomous things in...

Pedro Pascal Pedro Pascal
0 Votos 0 Respuestas 1 Vistas

Revolucionando Indústrias com Coisas Inteligentes e Autônomas: Uma Visão Geral do Portfólio SAP

The Introduction in the 6 Digital Tech Trends. Read the Blog Series Introduction Intelligent autonomous things (AuT) will benefit from Artificial Intelligence (AI) and new network technologies. Autonomous things can act in the form of a human-machine hybrid combination or completely alone as a machine. The combination of several intelligent and autonomous things in o...

Pedro Pascal Pedro Pascal

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