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Solución a errores de publicación en Data Hub: Cómo resolver problemas de publicación y conexión en Data Hub

  • Creado 01/03/2024
  • Modificado 01/03/2024
  • 9 Vistas

Hey there,

I'm trying to get familiar with Data Hub (following this page: https://help.hybris.com/6.3.0/hcd/8155bc6d95d4419793dcf54e0e9a5841.html). Everything before this works as expected, but when it comes to publish data, I always get an error:

2017-05-22 13:44:14,050 [INFO] [c.h.d.r.r.PoolActionResource] Received POST request /publications with args [GLOBAL,org.glassfish.jersey.server.internal.routing.UriRoutingContext@31033815,PublicationActionData{targetSystemPublications=[TargetSystemPublicationData{publicationId=null, startTime=null, endTime=null, status='null', targetSystemName='FileAdapterTargetSystem', actionId=null, poolName='null', canonicalItemCount=0, internalErrorCount=0, externalErrorCount=0, numberOfErrors=0, ignoredCount=0}]PoolActionData{actionId=null, type='PUBLICATION', startTime=null, endTime=null, status='null', poolName='GLOBAL'}}] 2017-05-22 13:44:14,077 [DEBUG] [c.h.d.s.i.DefaultEventPublicationService] Publishing data hub event : PerformPublicationEvent{actionId=1, systemUrl=' http://localhost:8080/datahub-webapp/v1', targetPublicationIds=[1]} 2017-05-22 13:44:14,110 [DEBUG] [c.h.d.p.i.DefaultProcessMonitor] Registered Publication #1: 1 processes running 2017-05-22 13:44:14,114 [DEBUG] [c.h.d.s.i.DefaultEventPublicationService] Publishing data hub event : PublicationStartedEvent{actionId=1} 2017-05-22 13:44:14,138 [DEBUG] [c.h.d.s.i.DefaultPublicationActionService] Pinging target system FileAdapterTargetSystem for target system publication id 1 and pool GLOBAL. 2017-05-22 13:44:14,220 [WARN] [c.h.d.p.TargetSystemAvailabilityRetryListener] The target system FileAdapterTargetSystem is unavailable for target system publication id 1 and pool GLOBAL: URI is not absolute . The connection will be retried in 0 seconds for attempt 1 of 4. ... 2017-05-22 13:44:21,744 [ERROR] [c.h.d.p.TargetSystemAvailabilityRetryListener] The target system FileAdapterTargetSystem is unavailable for target system publication id 1 and pool GLOBAL: URI is not absolute. java.lang.IllegalStateException: The target system FileAdapterTargetSystem is unavailable for target system publication id 1 and pool GLOBAL: URI is not absolute. ... 2017-05-22 13:44:21,760 [DEBUG] [c.h.d.s.i.DefaultEventPublicationService] Publishing data hub event : TargetSystemPublicationCompletedEvent{publicationId=1} 2017-05-22 13:44:21,764 [DEBUG] [c.h.d.s.p.i.DefaultDataHubPublicationService] setting publication status to FAILURE 2017-05-22 13:44:21,766 [DEBUG] [c.h.d.p.i.DefaultProcessMonitor] Unregistered Publication #1, 0 processes running 2017-05-22 13:44:21,767 [DEBUG] [c.h.d.s.i.DefaultEventPublicationService] Publishing data hub event : PublicationCompletedEvent{actionId=1} Mai 22, 2017 1:45:57 PM org.apache.coyote.http11.AbstractHttp11Processor process INFORMATION: Error parsing HTTP request header Note: further occurrences of HTTP header parsing errors will be logged at DEBUG level. java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid character found in method name. HTTP method names must be tokens ...

I highlighted the errors in bold. Especially the second one confuses me... I've installed a complete blank Tomcat and Hybris with no additional extension or stuff like that. All I'm trying to do is execute this command:

curl -u admin:nimda --data-binary @datafile2 -H "Content-Type:application/json" --request POST http://localhost:8080/datahub-webapp/v1/pools/GLOBAL/publications

The content of datafile2 is as follows:

       "poolName": "GLOBAL",
         "targetSystemPublications": [
           "targetSystemName": "FileAdapterTargetSystem"

Does anybody have a clue what might be the issue and what I can do about that?

Update (May, 29th 2017, copied & pasted from my comment below): The solution for my problem is that it seems like there has to be another (additional) extension (which is not mentioned on the help pages) within the opt/datahub/extensions directory - at least if you want to run Data Hub locally as a testing environment. This extension could be (for example) datahub-file-adapter-target-

Pedro Pascal
Se unió el 07/03/2018

4 Respuestas


¡Claro, disculpa! Parece que debe haber otra extensión adicional (que no se menciona en las páginas de ayuda) dentro del directorio opt/datahub/extensions - al menos si deseas ejecutar Data Hub localmente como entorno de prueba. Esta extensión podría ser (por ejemplo) datahub-file-adapter-target- la cual se puede descargar desde las páginas del libro de soluciones .

Respondido el 15/04/2024
Se unió el 13/07/2019

¡Hola Alexander! ¿Puedes explicar con más detalles cuál fue la solución real a tu problema?

Respondido el 15/04/2024
Se unió el 13/07/2019

Hola Andrew. Tu respuesta señaló en la dirección correcta. Parecía que se necesitaba una extensión adicional que actuara como sistema objetivo. ¡Muchas gracias!

Respondido el 15/04/2024
Se unió el 13/07/2019

Hola Alexander. Verifica que Data Hub esté cargando realmente el adaptador de archivo JAR. Deberías ver algo similar a lo siguiente cuando Data Hub se inicia:

 2017-05-23 09:22:06,675 [INFO] [c.h.d.e.l.i.DefaultExtensionLoaderService] Importing extension resource datahub-file-adapter-target

Si no es así, verifica que tu datahub-webapp.xml apunte correctamente al directorio de extensiones donde se encuentra el adaptador de archivo, o copia directamente el JAR del adaptador de archivo en el directorio WEB-INF/lib del Tomcat datahub-webapp. Además, asegúrate de que tu XML de destino esté configurado como se describe en el siguiente enlace, luego reinicia Data Hub.


Respondido el 15/04/2024
Se unió el 13/07/2019


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