Echa un vistazo a este código:
report ZSOURAV_TEST message-id z_zzz_ca_messages.
* constants for icons
type-pools: icon,
* constants for colors
* type for internal table
types: begin of t_sflight.
include structure sflight.
types: seatsfree type sflight-seatsocc,
* exception
usage type n,
* icon for future / past
icon_future type icon-id,
* line counter
line_counter type i,
* internal table for cell color information
it_colors type lvc_t_scol,
end of t_sflight.
* Internal table
data: it_sflight type table of t_sflight.
* Workarea for data fetch
data: wa_sflight like line of it_sflight.
* Workarea for cell color information
data: wa_colors like line of wa_sflight-it_colors.
* Switch for list display yes / no
data: list_display type sap_bool.
* Reference for container control
data: gr_cont type ref to cl_gui_custom_container.
* Reference for ALV instance
data: gr_alv type ref to cl_salv_table.
* Reference for error situations
data: gr_error type ref to cx_salv_error.
* user-command from dynpro
data: ok_code like sy-ucomm.
so_car for wa_sflight-carrid memory id car,
so_con for wa_sflight-connid.
selection-screen skip 1.
begin of block alv with frame
Respondido el 15/04/2024
Se unió el 13/07/2019