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Preserving Solutions to Frequently Asked Questions: Preventing Processing of REL Orders in SAP IW32

  • Creado 01/03/2024
  • Modificado 01/03/2024
  • 10 Vistas

Hello friends,

Continuing the process of preserving the solutions to Frequently Asked Questions, today I chose this subject. Few might have understood the possible need behind this simple title. However, I will explain.

The Background:

There were threads asking for solution where they want Orders with some status to be prohibited from processing. The ' Do not Execute ' function is the ready answer for the Orders which are in CRTD status. But generally the queries were for REL Orders? There are two situations of this requirement.

  • In Case1, customer wants all the Orders of certain Order type and in REL status are to be prevented from changes, Only viewing should be possible through IW32.
  • In Case2, specific Orders faultily created and released need to be prevented from processing.

Similarly there were queries where Authorization check at the initial screen of IW32 was sought. Obviously this as an alternative route to control through Roles.

  • We take this as Case3 of this blog .

One way of doing addressing all these is definitely through user-exit IWO10009 . But this method stops users at the time of Saving the Order. Means, user spends time and effort to make all changes in the Order and system refuses his changes when he tries to Save the Order. Also achieving a perfect solution for Cases1,2 through user-status ( OIBS ) transaction control is not possible.

So the requirement is to stop the user in the beginning itself of IW32. The ways to do it.

  • Change the IW32 to display mode for all such Orders
  • Stop user at the initial screen of IW32 itself by throwing a message such as ' This Order is prohibited from changes, use IW33 for viewing ' OR ' You are not authorized for IW32 ' .

The Solutions:

The solutions discussed here are very effective using an Implicit Enhancement point in the include LCOIHF7R of Order program ( SAPLCOIH ). Here there is an enhancement point at the end of the form AUTHORITY_CHECK_AUART_SMOD .

The place to put our code:

Means, I have created an Enhancement named ZPM_STAT at the enhancement point provided by the system, where I got access to put my code. Now let's see the codes for various cases and situations.

First we look at the Case1, Situation1 : For all Orders of certain Type and in REL status, Converting IW32 to Display mode

The code:

Pedro Pascal
Se unió el 07/03/2018

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