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Mantenimiento de tablas SM30: Uso y escenarios al crear una Ztable

  • Creado 01/03/2024
  • Modificado 01/03/2024
  • 24 Vistas

¿Qué es el mantenimiento de tablas - SM30...?

¿Cuál será su uso y en qué escenarios utilizamos el mantenimiento de tablas si creamos una ztable?

¿Alguien puede explicarme estos puntos por favor...?


Krishna Chaitanya

Pedro Pascal
Se unió el 07/03/2018

4 Respuestas


Hai Chaithnya ,

The purpose of table maintenance generator is to enable the table maintenance through SM30, and to implement and validation etc on table field inputs.

SE11->Utilities->table maintenance generator

You need to enter the values of following fields:

1. Table name

2. Authorization group, and authorization object (select the suitable one)

3. Function group and package

4. Maintenance type: single or double screen maintenance view depending on the option selected.

5. Maintain screen number: you may specify a value or let the system generate one for you.

The validation code for the table entry is written in the flow logic of this screen. Even some of the fields may be made display only, by adding suitable code in the logic or directly disabling the input in table control in the layout.

Table maintenance is for creating, adding data to an existing table.

it is for adding multiple records at a time in the table

A table can be manipulated by a program or manually.

When creating table, you will find a check box 'Table maintenance allowed'. If we

check that option, we can manually enter entries using SE16 or table

maintenance generator screen.

SE16 is for data browser.

Go to SE11, give the table name and click on change. Then Go to utilities--> Table maintenance generator.

In the table maintenance generator screen, we should give Authorization Group,

Function Group name (Function Group name can be same as table name),

Maintenance type can be one step or two step, usually we will create with one

step. we should give maintenance screen number. After clicking on create button,

a table maintenance generator will be created.

To check it go to SM30. In SM30, we find display, Maintain options.

We can view the table contents by choosing Display and we can create table

entries by choosing Maintain.

In the production system, end-users will not be having access to transaction

codes like SE11 and SE16. Developers will not be having access to many

transaction codes including the above two.

To view the contents of the database table, we will use SE16n in Production

system. Please find out the difference between SE16 and SE16n.

All these authorizations will be maintained by BASIS team, by creating access


So in order to edit or create the contents of a database table, we should go for

table maintenance generator. In real time, authorizations will be maintained in

production system. (Even in development and Test systems to some extent).

There is an audit like Sarbanes-Oxley Act for American clients, where every thing

will be audited by government agency. To know more about SOX, use the links on the right hand side of this page.

The second reason is, we can edit or create multiple entries at a time, using table

maintenance generator.

Apart from that we have options like 'Enter conditions' in table maintenance

screen SM30. Please try to find out the use of those, by creating an example.

Table Maintenance generator: Difference between one step and two steps.

While creating table maintenance generator, we find below options:

When we choose one step, we have to give the screen number in Overview Screen field.

When we choose two step, we have to give both overview screen number and single screen number.

You can give any number for screen. Don’t give 1000 screen number. As this

number is reserved for selection screen.

When we choose two steps, two screens will be created for table maintenance. For

single step only one screen will be created.

When we choose two step, table maintenance will work as follows

Go to SM30, give the table name for which you have created table maintenance-

Overview screen will be displayed. To create entries, when you click on ‘new

entries’. Another screen will be displayed, where you give input and save. You can

enter one record at a time.

Go to SM30; give table name for which you have created table maintenance-

Overview screen will be displayed; To create entries click on ‘new entries’, you can

enter the records on the same screen. You can enter multiple records at a time.

We use single step generally, as it is user friendly.

To completely understand the difference and above points please do exercise by

creating table maintenance generator in both ways (using single step and two


Se unió el 13/07/2019

Generador de Mantenimiento de Tablas (TMG) es una herramienta que se utiliza para crear un equipo mediante el cual las tablas personalizadas creadas por los usuarios finales pueden ser modificadas según sea necesario, como hacer una entrada en esa tabla, eliminar una entrada, etc.

El propósito del generador de mantenimiento de tablas es permitir el mantenimiento de tablas a través de SM30, e implementar y validar etc. en las entradas de campos de la tabla.

SM30 es el código de transacción para crear un generador de mantenimiento de tablas.

Sigue los siguientes pasos para crear TMG

En se11 ir a

1) Utilidades

2) Generador de mantenimiento de tablas

3) Dar el grupo de funciones

4) Grupo de autorización.

5) Tipo de mantenimiento que es 1. paso o 2. paso.

6) Haz clic en generar pantalla en la barra de herramientas de la aplicación.

7) Tus pantallas serán generadas.

😎 Haz clic en crear, selecciona la opción requerida, guarda y regresa.

Consulta estas capturas de pantalla que se proporcionan paso a paso


Respondido el 15/04/2024
Se unió el 13/07/2019

Table maintenance is a set of screens that can be automatically generated by the Table Maintenance Generator for data entry in a table.

Usually, we create table maintenance in the following scenarios:

1) When we do not want to spend much time creating a module pool program to enter data in a table.

2) When data entry in the table is not done by many people (or users) and is very rarely done, for example, a table that contains settings or customizing values.

3) When the responsibility for the correct value in the table lies with the person who enters data using table maintenance.

Respondido el 15/04/2024
Se unió el 13/07/2019

El mantenimiento de tablas es un conjunto de pantallas que pueden generarse automáticamente mediante el generador de mantenimiento de tablas para la entrada de datos en una tabla.

Normalmente creamos mantenimiento de tablas en los siguientes escenarios:

1) No queremos gastar mucho tiempo en crear un programa de pool de módulos para ingresar datos en la tabla.

2) La entrada de datos en la tabla no es realizada por muchas personas (o usuarios) y rara vez se realiza, por ejemplo, en tablas que contienen ajustes o valores personalizados.

3) La responsabilidad de ingresar correctamente los valores en la tabla recae en la persona que ingresa los datos utilizando el mantenimiento de tablas.

Respondido el 15/04/2024
Se unió el 13/07/2019


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