Now that we are in a consumer-driven digital economy era, staying up to date in this digital transformation world is key. To catch up with ongoing digital transformations, SAP continues to deliver the innovations and resolutions, in the form of new products, Enhancement Package, support package stack. For obtaining these innovations SAP system maintenance/upgrade is obligatory and this requires a maintenance window of an SAP system.
However, with increasing business demand, the availability of core SAP systems (SAP ERP, SAP S/4HANA) are indispensable to the organizations to support ongoing business operations. For these organizations, downtime on any day of the year extremely affects the business.
The solution is SAP next-generation Downtime Optimization upgrade approach called “Zero Downtime Option of SUM (ZDO)”.
I am pleased to be part of multiple Light House SAP ZDO projects and PoC's executed in North America as ZDO architect and SAP upgrade specialist with close collaboration with SAP ZDO product management(jensfieger and Team). In this blog, I am going to talk about how to plan ZDO projects or how can you leverage Zero Downtime Option of SUM for your upgrade project based on my previous project exercises/experiences and ZDO cutover runtimes.
Introduction: Zero Downtime Option of SUM (ZDO) of SUM
The basic principle of ZDO upgrades is “Upgrade the SAP System while Running Production Operations in Parallel”. During a ZDO upgrade, the system runs productively on the old release and at the same time, the ZDO procedure executes the upgrade procedure. Hence the upgrade can be performed without technical downtime.
In this blog, I am not getting into the technical details of “Zero Downtime Option of SUM (ZDO)”. If you want to be more familiar with ZDO, please check the following SAP blog and recordings from SAP TechEd.
Blog published by ZDO product manager jensfieger
Replay of SAP TechEd 2019:CAA301 – Leveraging Zero-Downtime Maintenance for SAP S/4HANA
Replay of SAP TechEd 2018:CNA306 – Get Your SAP S/4HANA Ready for Running a Zero-Downtime Update Project
Do you need a more detailed understanding?
If you are looking for further information about how ZDO works in detail and would like to be one of the pilot project participants in the next months, feel free to get in touch with jensfieger (Product Manager Downtime Minimization of Cloud & Lifecycle Management). Or if you are SAP MAXAttention, SAP’s Premium, and Enterprise Support customer please reach out to your respective Technical Quality Manager (TQM) from SAP.
All prerequisites, as well as a detailed description of the registration process to be a pilot customer, is described in the following SAP Notes:
2707731 – Prerequisites and restrictions of Zero Downtime Option of SUM for SAP S/4HANA.
2163060 – Prerequisites and restrictions of Zero Downtime Option of SUM for SAP Business Suite
How to plan the ZDO project or how can you leverage Zero Downtime of SUM for your upgrade project?
Step 1: Identify if the respective system qualifies for ZDO
Well, the ZDO of SUM is “available on request” for SAP Business Suite system as per SAP Note 2163060 and available for service-based pilot projects only for SAP S/4HANA as per SAP Note 2707731.
There are no separate license fees for using the ZDO of SUM. Since ZDO of SUM options is not generally available for customers, customers are requested to follow special guided registration processes mention in SAP Notes 2163060 & 2707731 to avail & enable this option in the SUM tool. However, the acceptance of your registration ticket depends on the Minimum source release of your SAP system, project scope, and the availability of the SAP Back Office team. SAP reserves the right to decline registration ticket. If the registration ticket is accepted, then SAP Back Office will provide you with documentation on how to activate the Z
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