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Nuevas funciones revolucionarias en SAP SuccessFactors Time Management: Introducción de AI y colaboración profunda con SAP S/4HANA Cloud Private Edition Time Sheet

  • Creado 01/03/2024
  • Modificado 01/03/2024
  • 6 Vistas

Team and community,

as usual in spring – some words on the new features in 1H SAP Successfactors Time Management.

Prepare yourself, cause this time it is going to be a HUGE release. Big mountains have been moved, big things achieved. This is for sure the biggest release for time management ever, covering big gaps and providing customers new end-to-end integration processes that up to now could not be covered.

To explain everything in detail as you are used to get from me would absolutely blow up this blog this time. That’s why you get just a small overview from me and I direct you for specific topics to standalone blogs where you can learn more.

AI and Successfactors Time Management

First let me draw your attention to the introduction of our AI copilot “Joule” to Successfactors Time Management. As you know SAP puts a lot of focus on leveraging for customers the benefit of AI in business processes. And Joule is the first tool for this in Successfactors.

We are only at the start of this journey – so for sure many exciting things will come in the future. But already the beginning is quite thrilling: we enable clock in / out in our copilot. So you can basically with Joule in a conversational manner record your attendances times now. No terminals are needed, no complicated UI. Just use the chatbot and prompt your clock ins/outs and you are done.

But there is even more. With Joule you can also get a list of your time account balances in a very easy manner, without lots of navigation, without any clicking. So, how easy is it now when you are up on your hiking tours on a 3000m summit in the alps to get an overview on your time account balance and to come to the conclusion to better enjoy the nice weather and extend your vacation? And there is even more: you can also get an overview on the upcoming public holidays and transfer them very easily into your outlook calendar.

And the good thing: the APIs that we use for reading the absences and public holidays are public available so that you can build your own application based on this.

This is how Joule looks like:


Cool new thing. And stay seated, else this one will blow you away:

Project time recording and other billings

Did you ever miss in Successfactors our famous CATS (Cross application time sheet) functionality? Did you ever wanted to allocate working time to costing objects like WBS-elements, projects, service orders or any other billing object of our ERP Suite without having the need of maintaining your time recordings twice – for HR and in a different Project Time recording tool?

There is a solution now. But wait, did we really build a CATS successor in Successfactors? Although we said since years that we don´t do this cause CATS is a Cross application time sheet and should not sit in a HCM system?

No, we didn’t build a new CATS in Successfactors. But we even did better.

Let me…., let me (fanfare)…., let me (fanfare getting louder) present: our magnificent, wonderful new collaboration of Successfactors Time Management and SAP S/4HANA Cloud Private Edition Time Sheet !!!!

We provide now a very deep integration of this two worlds so that customer can use the best of it in an seamlessly integrated end-to-end process.

The idea is: employees needing to record their times to costing / billing objects from our business suite in the S/4 world are using the S/4 My time sheet. And you don´t need another new tool, create new integration scenarios to project time systems or whatever. You still can use the S/4 time sheet with all its predefined integrations but the times recorded there are send to our time valuation engine in Successfactors as well! We do the calculation of premium pays and we feed the payroll system. But do these employees need to go to the Successfactors Time Sheet as well and submit there their timesheet? No, they just use the S/4 time sheet.

And what about approvals? Well approvals in this business process are most often done from the project manager for example. Hence the approval of this times are done on the S/4 side - cause here are the projects, the approver maintained.

And what about payment of this times? If there is a project time recording not yet approved, does this mean that it is send to Successfactors and from there to payroll? No, of course not. Only approved records from the S/4 time sheet are send to Successfactors.

But that´s not yet the end of the story. From Successfactors we provide for the S/4 time sheet the actual planned working time and the absence data – so that the employees using the S/4 time sheet know exactly for which days he need to record project times for example and for which days already a vacation or any other absence record exists.

And there is even more:

The time recording that is done in the S/4 time sheet is instantly replicated to Successfactors Time Sheet and it´s time valuation engine


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