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Cómo pasar una estructura de tabla a un parámetro de entrada de función en SAP

  • Creado 01/03/2024
  • Modificado 01/03/2024
  • 72 Vistas


I am having a problem uploading data using a Function Module that has an input parameter of a table. See Img-1 "GOODSMVT_ITEM". As far as I am aware, because this is an input parameter of a table and not an associated Table (I am not sure the correct way to describe the differences here) like other function modules, I cannot use 'Function.tables("GOODSMVT_ITEM")'. I have to assign the data to a structure first and then pass it back to the input parameter. However, I cannot figure out or find code samples of how to do this properly. I was able to use .CreateStructure to create the structure and then assign values to it, but I cannot seem to pass it back to the "GOODSMVT_ITEM". I tried a bunch of different ways of doing that, but none seem to work.

From the few samples that I have found, "objSAPFUNC.Exports.Insert "GOODSMVT_ITEM", myStructure" should be what I need, but when you call the function, it returns the message of "No items were transferred", which is what happens if no items are added to the table if you manually add the record in SAP.




    Dim objSAPFUNC As Object
    Dim objMessages As Object

I used Call SAP function from VB - Structure member not found as a base, but it didn't work for me.

So my main question is, What is the correct way to take my table structure and pass it back to the Input parameter of this function module?

Does anyone have any code snippets or examples of "CreateStructure()" being used to upload data?

Where can I find SAP VBA RFC documentation?

Thanks in advance!

... ... ... ...
Pedro Pascal
Se unió el 07/03/2018

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